Daytime exterior view of the top of a hospital building with a large, blue H mounted on the side.


Ameresco can improve healthcare facility management by retrofitting existing healthcare facilities for greater efficiency, or by developing a comprehensive energy management system utilizing renewable energy sources. Hospital energy savings from Ameresco projects average 30% annually, money that can be used for facility upgrades, new equipment or additional staff.

We can own, maintain and operate hospital energy generation systems, then sell back power and steam, freeing healthcare facilities from the costs and risks associated with energy generation. We can also develop a phased implementation plan that guarantees energy flow to critical hospital systems.

Reliable, Renewable Hospital Energy

Ameresco understands that the reliability of hospital energy is a top concern for healthcare facility management. Critical hospital energy systems must be online and available 24 hours a day, even when the power grid is compromised.

Modern renewable energy systems actually decrease energy risk and provide higher levels of energy security. On-site geothermal and biomass systems can be used for backup power independent of the power grid. Locally sourced renewables, such as hydroelectric and landfill-gas-to-energy, put the facility closer to the power source, minimizing transmission risk.

Hospital energy solutions from Ameresco address the need for guaranteed energy delivery to critical power, heat and water systems, and our phased approach to modernization and energy retrofits guarantees full operation of healthcare facilities while energy upgrades take place.

Interested in Learning More?

Addressing the unique needs of healthcare when developing your energy strategy

A holistic approach to harness renewable energy

The healthcare industry is being called upon to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build more climate resistant infrastructure through the U.S. Office of Climate Change and Health Equity’s (OCCHE) Health Care Sector Pledge. As a result, healthcare facilities will need to incorporate clean energy solutions such as distributed generation to make good on this commitment.

With this comes key considerations exclusive to the industry, requiring due diligence from facility managers and hospital leadership when formulating a decarbonization plan. While there are numerous stakeholders to consider, none are as important as the facility’s patients. Any infrastructure and energy project needs to be tailored to mitigate potential impacts on patient care. So where do you start and what are the key considerations?

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, hospitals are currently the second most energy-intensive building type in the U.S. and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported this year that the healthcare sector contributes 8.5% of total U.S. emissions.

“The ESPC model allows us to make a variety of critically needed infrastructure improvements with guaranteed energy savings…The advantage of working with Ameresco is that they can perform multiple projects at one time. it would take years to do these projects individually and would cost a lot more in time and money.”

Estimate your energy & carbon savings potential with our digital building assessment… Try it today!

By answering a few simple questions about your building, location, and energy consumption, we can estimate your energy and carbon savings. We‘ll run your data through our analysis against benchmarks to calculate metrics related to your specific building performance. Let’s get started…

Additional Resources

Action Collaborative

Network Member

Ameresco is a Network Organization for the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector (Climate Collaborative.)

Free White Paper

Dollars & Intents

Six adaptable and effective strategies for decarbonization, enabling reductions in carbon footprint without compromising financial stability.