Ameresco, Inc. Awarded Energy Conservation Contract with State of Arizona

Phoenix, AZ – The State of Arizona’s Procurement Office has selected Ameresco, Inc. as one of the energy services companies (ESCOs) for the State’s Energy Performance Contracting work. The award allows the State of Arizona’s 20 agencies, as well as State universities, community colleges, cities and counties, to access Ameresco, Inc.’s energy conservation services, in an effort to reduce energy consumption and costs at Arizona’s government buildings. Ameresco, Inc., an independent energy solutions company headquartered in Framingham, Mass., operates a location in Tempe, Ariz., and also holds an energy services contract with the Arizona Department of Corrections.

“We are very excited to help Arizona’s agencies identify cost-effective energy conservation improvements,” said Trip Tripathi, Vice President of Ameresco, Inc. “State and local agencies are responsible for over 36 percent of the nation’s energy usage, so Arizona’s conservation efforts can make a substantial difference in the nation’s energy future.”

The State of Arizona’s Energy Performance Contracting award includes a broad range of energy services, including: auditing energy use to identify cost effective improvements; upgrading equipment; improving operation and maintenance in state facilities; changing to more renewable energy fuel sources, including solar; and managing demand of energy. Ameresco’s role will be to identify energy improvements that guarantee energy savings for the state of Arizona without requiring up-front capital.

Ameresco, Inc. is the largest independent comprehensive energy solutions provider in North America, and has developed and implemented over $4 billion in energy improvements, many of them in state agencies throughout the West. Ameresco energy experts are currently working with the federal government at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. To reduce their high energy bills by retrofitting lighting and heating and cooling systems. The project is guaranteed to save over $774,447 annually.

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Ameresco: CarolAnn Hibbard, 508-661-2264, [email protected]