Fort Worth Housing Authority to Be Recognized

Fort Worth, TX – On Thursday, February 21, 2008, The Fort Worth Housing Authority (FWHA) will receive an incentive check for the installation of energy efficient improvements made possible through a collaborative partnership with Ameresco and Oncor.

As a result of this energy saving initiative undertaken by FWHA, Steve Morgan, an advisor from Ameresco will present FWHA with an energy rebate check for $23,497.87 at the FWHA Board of Commissioners meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the Butler Addition/Place Community Room at 1201 Luella. Cynthia Leon, the Housing and Urban Development Regional Director and Mike Guyton, vice president, Oncor customer operations, Fort Worth will attend the ceremony.

Under the contract with the FWHA, Ameresco installed energy-efficient interior and exterior lighting, heating and cooling systems, boilers, windows, water-saving devices and other measures at FWHA facilities and public housing developments. That work reduced FWHA’s energy demand by 330,000 kilowatt hours or enough energy to supply the needs of about 20 single-family homes in the Oncor service area for one year.

Oncor is a regulated electric distribution and transmission business that uses superior asset management skills to provide reliable electricity delivery to consumers. Oncor operates the largest distribution and transmission system in Texas, providing power to three million electric delivery points over more than 101,000 miles of distribution and 14,000 miles of transmission lines. Oncor is a subsidiary of EFH, Oncor reports to a separate and independent board. More information about Oncor is available at

Ameresco, Inc., is the largest independent comprehensive energy solutions provider in North America. Headquartered in Framingham Massachusetts, Ameresco uses innovative strategies, systems, and technologies for renewable and sustainable energy generation and infrastructure renewal, thereby reducing operating expenses, increasing energy reliability and enhancing the environment.

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Ameresco: CarolAnn Hibbard, 508-661-2264, [email protected]