Renewable Energy Magazine – GSA Announces over $40 Million to Boost Building Energy Efficiency

Through an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC), GSA will upgrade building infrastructure and install new technologies that will reduce energy consumption and costs at four federal buildings in the Dallas area and six in Louisiana. The contract was awarded to Ameresco and the investments are estimated to save about $1.4 million per year at today’s energy prices and reduce emissions by about 6,000 metric tons per year.

This project is one of many supported by the Inflation Reduction Act – which provided $3.4 billion to GSA for emerging and sustainable technologies, low-embodied carbon materials, and other measures to improve the sustainability of the federal footprint.

Two of the buildings – Cabell and the New Orleans Custom House – will undergo “deep energy retrofits,” meaning at least a 40% reduction in emissions. At Cabell, one of the largest consumers of energy among federal buildings in the region, the project will reduce energy consumption by an estimated 49%, supported by magnetic levitation chillers, building automation improvements, and high-efficiency transformers.

Examples of other major upgrades in the 10 buildings include chiller replacements with cleaner refrigerants at the Terminal Annex Federal Building in Dallas and the Hale Boggs Federal Building and Courthouse in New Orleans.

Read the full release (opens in new window)


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