Microgrid Knowledge – Another Military Microgrid on its Way as Ameresco Breaks Ground at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Ameresco has begun work on another military energy project that includes a microgrid, this one, a $173 million endeavor at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) in Portsmouth, Virginia.

The Massachusetts-based energy efficiency and renewable energy company said Friday that it has broken ground on the project, which includes a 19-MW combined heat and power (CHP) plant, a 3-MW battery energy storage system and a microgrid control system.

The US Navy commissioned Ameresco to undertake the project by way of an energy savings performance contract, which spares the military from making a capital investment. The energy upgrades are paid for out of cost savings achieved by making the facility more energy efficient. The energy improvements are expected to generate $411 million in guaranteed cost savings over the term of the 22-year performance period.

Read the full release (opens in new window)


Microgrid Knowledge
By: Elisa Wood