Federal Contract Vehicles
Department of Energy, Energy Savings Performance Contract (DE-AM36-09G029029)
Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC) are indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contracts designed to make ESPCs as practical and cost-effective as possible for Federal agencies. DOE ESPCs can be used for any Federally-owned facility worldwide. Ameresco’s current DOE ESPC contract was awarded December 17, 2008,and is currently in the first option period which expires in December 2016. Exercise of the remaining option will allow for ESPC selections through December 2019. The total maximum contract valueis $5 billion. Learn more about how this contract vehicle can benefit you at energy.gov/eere/femp/energy-savings-performance-contracts.
View Ameresco’s DOE ESPC Qualifications Sheet at http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/01/f6/ameresco_escoqual.pdf.
Army Energy Savings Performance Contract (W912DY-09-D-007)
The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville’s Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) program is a partnership between the Army and an Energy Service Contractor (ESCO). Working with the Army sites worldwide, the ESCO provides the capital and expertise to make comprehensive energy and water efficiency improvements on facilities or implements new renewable energy capabilities and maintains them in exchange for a portion of the generated savings. The Army ESPC is a performance based, firm fixed price, IDIQ contract. Army ESPCs are available to Federal agencies outside the U.S. Army for building and facilities energy efficiency/conservation and renewable energy initiatives. Ameresco’s current Army ESPC contract was issued July 1, 2008,has a total maximum contract value of $900 million and is currently set to expire in December 2018.
Learn more about this contract vehicle at www.hnc.usace.army.mil/Media/FactSheets/FactSheetArticleView/tabid/10784/Article/484226/energy-savings-performance-contracting-espc-program.aspx.
GSA Facility Management and Energy Solutions, ESPC (GS-07F-092AA)
In December 2012, Ameresco was awarded the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract that authorizes, but is not limited to projects using appropriated funds as well as alternative financing methods through the use of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) in accordance with the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (NECPA) as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT). Projects include energy audits, project management, and energy upgrades of HVAC, Lighting, Controls, etc. In addition to using appropriated funding streams, this contract authorizes third-party financed ESPC work under Special Item Number (SIN) 246-53. This SINauthorizes full scale ESPC work and includes authorization to pursue small scale ESPC projects through the ENABLE program.
Learn more at the GSA eLibrary website.
Army Renewable Energy – Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOCs)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, working with the Army Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) has awarded Ameresco three MATOCs to develop, design, finance, build, own, operate, and maintain renewable energy generation technologies for military installations. The three renewable energy MATOCs have a combined contract capacity of $7 billion. The MATOC allows the Army and other Services to procure reliable, locally generated, renewable, and alternative energy through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with terms of up to 30 years with site specific terms and conditions cited in individual task orders issued under the MATOC. Under each PPA, the Army will only purchase the energy that is produced; no generation assets will be acquired. Ameresco finances, designs, builds, operates, owns, and maintains the generating assets for the contract duration.
Ameresco holds the following contracts for renewable energy technologies:
- Solar (W912DY-14-D0016)
- Wind (W912DY-14-D-0031)
- Biomass (W912DY-14-D-0036)
Army Energy Conservation Investment Program MATOC (W912-DY13-D-0071)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville has awarded Ameresco an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for design-build work related to energy conservation and renewable energy projects in the CONUS and overseas. Order may be placed under the contract using firm-fixed price (FFP) taskorders.Work is funded by the government via appropriations; there is no financing involved.
Ameresco provides all labor, equipment, and materials (not otherwise furnished asGovernment Furnished Property) necessary to complete the contracted energy project. Contracted activities include procurement, minorconstruction, additions, repair/re-commissioning, renovation, conversion,alteration, installation, commissioning, testing, and measurement and verification.
GSA Energy Management Support and Services (GS-10F-0367M)
Ameresco holds a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract to provide a full range of energy services to support federal energy managers. The GSA Schedule 03FAC – Facilities Maintenance and Management supports federal agencies pursuit of statutorily mandated conservation and efficiency goals and the increased reliance on renewable energy resources by providing a diverse portfolio of support services. Agencies’ contracting officers are authorized to place orders against the GSA Schedule by following agency procedures.
Learn more about how this contract vehicle can work for you at the GSA eLibrary website.